#48: Why do I listen to hip hop?

Our 48th prompt comes from Afandi. They ask:

How do you balance enjoying the genre of rap and trap music with all the misogyny and homophobia that features heavily in it? (usually by the male rappers)



You must have seen me tweeting song lyrics/screenshots of songs I’m listening to on Twitter.  😀 I love this question, especially because it’s one “woke” hip hop fans ask themselves a lot. Continue reading “#48: Why do I listen to hip hop?”

#35: Can feminists be friends with misogynists?

Our 35th prompt comes from NA. They ask:

Do you think it’s possible to identify as feminist and still be friends with someone who’s a misogynist?



Good question. I think this is something you ask yourself earlier on in your journey as a feminist, when it occurs to you that people who are dear to you – your family and friends – don’t share your system of belief (see #3: Musings on Kenyan Feminism(s) #19: Can men be feminists? and #23: Musings on Political Lesbianism for more on feminism). Continue reading “#35: Can feminists be friends with misogynists?”

#30: Was Aristotle wrong about everything?

Our 30th prompt comes from Sigmund Freudian Annihilist. They say:

Aristotle was wrong about everything


Sigmund Freudian Annihilist,

You are really hard core. For those who are new to this argument, it’s a running trope/joke in philosophy circles that Aristotle was wrong about everything. Aristotle is one of the Greek philosophy greats, alongside his teacher Plato, and Plato’s teacher Socrates. He is said to have invented logic (as we know it, though who is to say some other person didn’t do it first and fail to record/share it) and made it a fully systematic discipline, and his work covered metaphysics, physics, ethics, political theory, poetics among other fields. Continue reading “#30: Was Aristotle wrong about everything?”