#31: Is monogamy unnatural?

Our 31st prompt comes from Passiona. She says:

Committing to one partner for life is unnatural



What a lovely discussion to have.  I find myself having it more now that I’m considered to be of marrying age, to which I respond (depending on how tiresome the person trying to pull me into a debate is) that not everyone is interested in the same things, and that is fine. Perhaps one day we will discuss why people are so personally affronted when you don’t want a relationship/marriage/children like they do. Continue reading “#31: Is monogamy unnatural?”

#30: Was Aristotle wrong about everything?

Our 30th prompt comes from Sigmund Freudian Annihilist. They say:

Aristotle was wrong about everything


Sigmund Freudian Annihilist,

You are really hard core. For those who are new to this argument, it’s a running trope/joke in philosophy circles that Aristotle was wrong about everything. Aristotle is one of the Greek philosophy greats, alongside his teacher Plato, and Plato’s teacher Socrates. He is said to have invented logic (as we know it, though who is to say some other person didn’t do it first and fail to record/share it) and made it a fully systematic discipline, and his work covered metaphysics, physics, ethics, political theory, poetics among other fields. Continue reading “#30: Was Aristotle wrong about everything?”

#23: Musings on Political Lesbianism

Our 23rd prompt comes from A.H. They ask:

What do you think of political lesbianism? (The concept of women refusing heterosexual relations as a form of protest against men and patriarchy)



Welcome, my fellow radical feminist (I hope). I’m glad we get to talk about this here because, after all, a day can’t pass without feminists being accused of just being (ugly) lesbians. Or, without us being told that if we hate men so much, maybe we should stop f***ing them. I’m happy to share with the people who say this that many feminists arrived at that conclusion long before you – not that we are all just ugly lesbians, but that perhaps we should stop f***ing men. Continue reading “#23: Musings on Political Lesbianism”

#22: Will we all have blogs by 2047?

Our 22nd prompt comes from Great daughter of Zimbabwe. She asks:

Will we all have blogs by the year 2047?


Great daughter of Zimbabwe,

Welcome to my humble blog. 😀 When you said 2047, I immediately calculated how old I’ll be then. I’ll be in my 50s (I’m not saying exactly how old, we have to retain an air of mystery even on this blog). Continue reading “#22: Will we all have blogs by 2047?”